Personal Website (Assignment 2)

First, I used the Illustrator to design the logo which I then placed on the website header. 
Next, I used Photoshop to create 'images' ('Home', 'About Me', etc) for the individual pages; white colour for the original images and orange colour for the roll-over images. 
Thereafter, I included two images, which I have created using Illustrator, in Home.
Also, I downloaded and resized some social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter, etc) which I then linked to their respective websites.

I cropped a photo of myself using the magnetic lasso tool, added the black-and-white-effect to the image and had it placed under About Me.
I also designed the 'About Me' sub-header using Photoshop.
Finally I wrote briefly about myself and included it as the page content.

Next I resized the images and used the black-and-white effect to them. 
Then I designed the sub-header ('Skills & Proficiency') using Photoshop.
I also added some texts on the page as content.

This page is a combination of three images where two were designed using Photoshop while the remaining one was created using Illustrator.

The page where I displayed my past work in Digital Media.
I resized and added the images on the page.
Also, I included a small icon at the left side of the page that can be clicked on. 
It links to a flash image, another previous work of mine, which I have done using Adobe Flash.

Using Photoshop, I edited some downloaded images, (added description next to Facebook & Twitter icons)  and included them onto the page. 
I also created the sub-header 'Talk To Me' for the page using Photoshop.


Google for a suitable background image and set it to A4 size.

Crop an image of the FOM building using the magnetic lasso tool, add it to the canvas and set the opacity of the cropped image to 65%.

Use the same method as above for the image of the FOM signboard.

Next, use the quick selection tool to select the image of a group of students from the original image and then click 'inverse selection' to remove the background. Move the remaining image of the students into the canvas and add the 'outer glow' effect.

Google for MMU's mascot, E-Bee and a graduation cap image.
Then, rescale and rotate the cap to fit the mascot's head.
Finally, link the layers of both images together and drag it into the canvas before adding the 'outer glow' effect on it.

Search for MMU's logo, magic wand it and drag it into the canvas.

Draw a horizontal rectangular stripe using the rectangular tool, set the opacity of the stripe to 49% and drag it to the bottom of the canvas.

Add a TM University logo as well as some social networking symbols on the stripe.

Add the following text; "Follow Us" next to the Facebook symbol.

Use the Adobe Illustrator to create a black border for the words, "FOM OPEN DAY 1 AUG 2012" and import them into the Adobe Photoshop. Drag the layer into the canvas and apply the 'outer glow' plus 'bevel and emboss' effects on it.

Using the text tool, create the tagline with the same effects applied for the headline.

This would be the final result of my E-wallpaper.